Author: Jay (Page 2 of 3)

How To Deal With An Always Angry Child

Dealing with an angry child can be challenging for any parent. It can be especially frustrating when you see your child lashing out in anger while their siblings remain calm and collected. As a parent, it’s natural to wonder why your child is so angry, whether it’s something you’re doing as a parent or if it’s something beyond your control. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the reasons why your child may be angry and provide tips on how you can help them become more calm and understanding of situations.

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Is weight lifting for children safe?

I’m probably like most of you, and want my children participating in some form of a healthy active lifestyle. Of course you want your child to have a healthy body and stay active, but are they too young for weights? Weight lifting may seem like a daunting activity for children, but it can be a safe and effective way to build strength and improve overall health when done properly. In this blog post, we’ll explore the appropriateness of weight lifting for children, at what age they can start, and if there is any truth to the thought of it stunting growth.

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A Parent’s Guide to Keeping Children Safe Online

As a parent, we want our children to learn and grow in every way possible, including in their use of technology. In today’s world, it is nearly impossible to keep children completely sheltered from the internet and all it offers. However, it is equally important to keep them safe from the dangers that lurk on the web. In this blog post, we will discuss ways to ensure your child’s safety while allowing them to take advantage of the knowledge and skills attainable from the internet. This is really just a brief view of what can be a much deeper dive, but it’s something to get you thinking, or at least be aware of. I’ll probably cover more of this in depth in other posts at some point.

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My love and hate relationship with kid sports

Childhood sports can be a great way for kids to learn important life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. It’s also a great way for them to learn about the source of authority not being their own parent. As a parent who enjoys watching their kids improve physically and mentally through involvement in sports, I’ve also become aware of some frustrations that come with the territory.

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That’s not fair! How to keep things equal between children

Being a dad of multiple children can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. I have three boys, and one of the biggest challenges is keeping things equal, especially when they are all different ages. From deciding who gets more video game time to who gets the last cookie, it can be difficult to reason with children and ensure that everything is fair. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for keeping things equal when dealing with these cute miniature monsters we call kids.

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Things I should admit to my kids, but can’t

There are so many things I want to explain to my kids, to teach them so they are prepared for the world. To allow them to gain confidence, and have their own ability to grow and mature. To have them gain something from what I’ve learned. But there are also so many things I can’t share with them. The many ways in which I’m not doing the right thing, the ways I’m failing them and they don’t even know, and the ideal father which they are not getting. 

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The stress of finding a new job in a one income household

One of my worst nightmares has come true. My company is making large organizational changes, and I’m going to be forced out of a job. I’m the only income earner while my wife does everything kid and home related. So you can see why I’m freaking out. We don’t have any kind of cash safety net, no rich parents, and generally are pretty close to living check to check after some retirement contributions. What happens if I don’t find something before this job is done?! I don’t even know what to do if that happens.

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Christmas is almost here, and I’m stressed out

Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year, right? Well, not for me, and perhaps not for a lot of parents. It’s almost here, and I’m stressed out! I feel like a lot of us are in the same boat. You want your kids to be happy, you want to get them exactly what they want, but you also know that it’s really hard and stressful to actually do this when you take into account the money, bills, and everything else that comes along with being an adult.

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Surviving Holiday Stress As A Parent

Do you remember the excitement of the holidays as a kid? Starting around Thanksgiving, and going through New Years Eve, it was always about lots of family parties, food, cousins and of course presents. There was just lots going on, and I have so many fond memories of it when I look back. However, it wasn’t until I was a parent that I realized there was a dark side to all of this kid merriment.

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The insanity of a huge kid birthday party

Does being scared of a kid’s birthday party sound ridiculous to you? Well, it should, unless of course, you’re a parent like me and have been exposed to this evil underground world! Only as a parent will you truly understand the fear, chaos, and general distress caused by our little evil monkeys. I’m saying this with love, of course.

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